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Hi, I am Raihan

Raihan Khan

Software Engineer at Appscode Ltd.

As a seasoned software engineer, I specialize in developing robust backends using Golang for applications and databases on Kubernetes. I have honed my skills building Kubernetes Operators for popular databases like Elasticsearch, OpenSearch, Kafka, and tools such as Kibana, OpenSearch-dashboards, Cruise-control, and more. My experience also encompasses using Docker, Helm, Prometheus, Grafana, bash scripts, and other related tools, along with implementing effective CI/CD and release workflows.

Team Work



Appscode Ltd.

Aug 2021 - Present

Dhaka Branch

Appscode Inc. is a widely recognized company for cloud-native development. AppsCode Ltd. is a subsidiary company of AppsCode Inc. USA. Its mission is to accelerate the transition to Containers by building a Kubernetes-native Data Platform.

Software Engineer

Aug 2021 - Present

  • Design, Develop and maintain database operator KubeDB that deploy and manages most popular databases inside Kubernetes cluster in Kubernetes native way.
  • Implement CRD based KubeDB native features for day 2 lifecycle management of databases on cloud kubernetes clusters
  • Maintain custom built dockerfiles for databases and helm charts for installation
  • Add monitoring support for databases Using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Provide CRD based feature supports. for instance, customizable health checker, TLS support using kubernetes secrets, built-in user synchronization support, custom configuration with user provided kubernetes secret etc.


Developer August 2021 - Present

KubeDB simplifies Provision, Upgrade, Scaling, Volume Expansion, Monitor, Backup, Restore for various Databases in Kubernetes on any Public & Private Cloud.


B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering
CGPA: 3.29 out of 4
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Acted as Data Structure & Algorithms (DSA) Trainer for CoU CSE Programming Club.
  • Science & Research Executive for IT Society, an University based organization.
Higher Secondary School Certificate
GPA: 5 out of 5
A.K. High School & College
Secondary School Certificate
GPA: 5 out of 5


Medication correlation analysis for outbreak prediction

Outbreak prediction is a way to predict the epidemic potentials of diseases using the pattern of medication sales values. Successful prediction might result in being cautious of the outbreak of diseases and taking necessary measures to prevent the predicted outcome. As medication sales values are too random, the analysis of medication correlation is one of the most interesting and challenging parts for the researchers. The major objective of this proposed research method is to analyze medication drug sales values for a certain period of a pharmaceutical company using statistical methods. It is also the intent of this research to make a comparative analysis of the output generated by the deep learning model with the real sales values of a month. Our method successfully predicts the outbreak potential of diseases with competent accuracy, so that we will have enough time to take precautions and prevent future pandemics through precautionary measures.


Judge & Problem Setter


Second Runner-UP

National Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC) 2018 & 2020

Intra CoU Programming Contest-2019

ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional-2019